The Yurt Sanctuary is a year old, established on September 22nd 2020 and already having hosted many, many pleasurable experiences for family and friends. I am recommitting to making the Yurt available for family and friends to come and connect with Nature, learn about gardening, learn about sustainable ways of living in harmony with Nature. When I was a child, I didn’t have anyone looking out for my safety, or exposing me to better ways of being, or exposing me much to Nature. It wasn’t until I was a teenager in High School, that I met a biology teach that took a special interest in his students. Well, for him it was natural and he saw it has his duty, but for me it was very special. My teacher, Stew, took us camping in the snow, introduced us to beekeeping, took us on bike rides, taught us about Nature and how to show up better and be one with Nature. Now, I want to do the same for young people! Bring your kids to the Yurt Sanctuary, have them meet the chickens, go the the chicken coop and get the eggs, walk into the vegetable garden and harvest fresh vegetables, participate in composting… There is so much to learn in Nature, so much beauty, and I want to share it all with young people and their families.

I like to dream BIG, and I like to stretch my DESIRES. I DESIRE to create a Cooperative Experience where families come with their children and get to garden and harvest. I desire that little by little we turn most of the lawn into food producing land and feed hundreds of family. I desire a thriving Volunteer program where young adults 18+ or children at least 12 yrs old accompanied by an adult, stay in the Yurt, volunteer, and learn about off-grid living, gardening, and sustainable ways of being one with Nature, while also having fun at the beach and enjoying Nature.

Together We Grow! https://www.yurtsanctuary.com


Yurt Host to welcome you to the Yurt Sanctuary. Partnered with WWoof USA in an exchange program to receive volunteers.
