About Me

Hello, I am your Yurt Goddess and host, Nancy.  I grew up in New York City, but I set root in Westhampton in 2000.  The Yurt Sanctuary was birthed during the 2020 Pandemic from my desire to create an off-grid life and engage in a more sustainable lifestyle.  This desire was fueled in part from seeing the long lines at supermarkets during the COVID Pandemic and witnessing the increase in food prices.  I thought, heck, I already have a vegetable garden, why not expand it, and grow more of the food we consume.  Then, I decided to raise chickens for both fresh eggs and meat. Currently, I have 6 chickens and they bring us much joy. We share the eggs with family and friends.

The Yurt idea had been brewing for sometime, and I quickly set-off on a mission to buy the Yurt, build the platform, erect the Yurt, and begin sharing it with friends and family. I desire to create pleasurable nature-based experiences for people. Manifesting is a skill that I work each day to improve and I brag that I have become quite proficient at it. I would like to share with you how I have gone about manifesting this Yurt. For months I practiced creative visualization meditations featuring the Yurt. I included a photo of the Yurt on my vision board, and I talked about it to just about anyone I thought would send me good vibes. I ignored the naysayers, and I requested prayers, juice, and good intention vibes from a group of women I call my Pod of Goddesses. Sharing my desires with others and receiving the intentional good energy from others was a big part of my manifestation. The vision must be shared to give it life. I have many visions to upgrade the Yurt, and I invite you all to join me on this manifesting journey. The Yurt Sanctuary is for family and friends, and we welcome volunteers. www.yurtsanctuary.com .

Patrice Horvath Design

This article was written by Patrice Horvath, owner & lead designer of Patrice Horvath Design.

In my blog I share tips for small businesses and solopreneurs on branding, web design, Squarespace and running a small business.
